
Showing posts from May, 2018

Album Artwork [Iterations and Final Draft]

below are a series of iterations that this album artwork went through; although none of the changes may seem too radical; trying to balance the light sources across the different blending layers proved to be a difficult process, although it was very rewarding to experiment with it.  I created a streak of light and played with layering it over the first image I had come up with, and it ended up being very interesting, although potentially overpowering.  However, that seemed to work with my concept, as I feel that the way light is generated and perceived is very reflective of human activity.  the final image was not notably different from the earlier drafts, but I found that in this case subtlety was more effective, and that I didn't want to stray too far from the original composition I had created. I also adopted the aspect ratio from the original square composition of an album art to something with a little more interest.  

cycle project [revisit]

this is my revisit of the cyclical nature of things.  as I tried to approach my concept again, I realized that what I sought to capture was the sense of comfort that one finds in repetitious, routine acts in life.  These seemingly simple acts serve as the cohesive agent that binds together much of our life, and in recognizing that we can better appreciate that which breaks up those routines.   I took this revisitation as an opportunity to experiment further with blending modes, and subsequently produced a series of iterations combining the photographs I had taken in a variety of ways.   ultimately, I was most drawn to the figure of the cat as a central image, although I enjoyed the ambiguity of the noise in the left half of the composition.