
Showing posts from March, 2018

Icon [Final Image]

ended up going with this image, as it felt the most tied in to the original concept (with marilyn being a film icon, it felt appropriate to utilize my scanogram of a reel of expired film)

Contact Sheets

my concept revolved around the perception of light, particularly at night; wearing glasses, glare and reflection are a part of my everyday life, and I found it interesting to push recognizable shapes into abstraction.

Icon [various iterations]

As I proceeded throughout this process, I came to find that removing all recognizable elements of Marilyn created the images that most interested me.  Perhaps it was the fact that only I would know the fact that these images were sourced from an image of Marilyn Monroe that made them that much more successful; because I know the source material, the images retain an intrinsic value that others may not see until it is explicitly stated.  For this reason, an uninformed viewer is forced to simply react to the information on the page, without any preconceived opinion or bias to sway their reaction to the piece; rather, they will see the composition by itself, without any predetermined thoughts.